Our new America.
My fellow red, white and blue blooded Americans, our new America is doomed. The use and abuse of entitlements are destroying the fabric of our great nation. From her beginning, America has prospered from the contributions of the individual. The increasing use of government entitlements is lessening those contributions and causing
ill-effects. When abused, entitlements produce unwanted social, economic and psychological effects. I absolutely believe when help is needed, it should be provided. But the excessive use and abuse of entitlements are damaging.
The American Dream as stated in our Declaration of Independence says “all men are created equal… endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights… Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The American Dream has brought millions to this country in search of a better life, with individual opportunity for achievement. For many individuals, the American Dream has been forgotten, become a faded memory or never known at all. Many Americans are not willing to engage because the American Dream has been polluted by the “age of convenience.”
The great Americans
Our fore-fathers worked and sacrificed to ensure a better life for their descendants… including me and you. Since there were no opportunities for entitlements in the past, the only choice was to work hard and succeed or to fail. The success and survival of the family rested on the individual, not the government. Hard work and entrepreneurship helped shape America and her advancement in many areas including medicine, industrial automation and overall personal convenience.
Ironically, the sacrifice of our fore-fathers created a culture which promotes the opposite of theirs. Their actions drove our nation into an “age of convenience.” The noble actions of our past created an American society that has forgotten our history, our establishment and our heritage. Convenience, automation and luxury have transformed many Americans into stewards of the entitlement culture. Prosperity is taken for granted and our nation is becoming spoiled and selfish.
It’s Uncle Sam's fault
Many individuals blame our government for the abuse of entitlements and the demise of the American Dream. The blame, however, rests with the individual. We Americans are not forced to receive entitlements such as food stamps or unemployment benefits but many individuals choose to unnecessarily. Although entitlements may create a feeling of contentment for the individual, this feeling will not last. These individuals depend on the government, allowing it to shape their destiny. Unfortunately, many Americans allow entitlements to diminish their work ethic and drive, both which are essential for the American Dream. The abuse of entitlements and the increase of government control is the result of the individual.
Let’s go “old school”
The American Dream must be saved. It starts with a choice - to reestablish ourselves by exploring the past. To revive the American Dream, we must understand and appreciate the sacrifices and contributions made by those before us.
A change in culture is necessary and must start with the individual. Parents, teachers and mentors can enthusiastically promote this culture and lead by example. Our children must look to us as the great Americans of our time, anxiously pursuing the American Dream. There must be more focus on individual effort and less on selfish conveniences. The American Dream is based on personal sacrifice, individual character and selfless service. These attributes define a great America.
We are losing our identity, focus and drive. Our America needs to revive the American Dream and fall back to the core beliefs and values that made her great; the envy of the world. Less dependency on government entitlements is crucial with greater focus on entrepreneurship and self-respect. Put your heart and soul into everything you do. Depend on yourself, not the government.
Land of the Free. Free to work, sacrifice and succeed.